04 november 2005

Sweet beginnings

If a smile is a smile
And a kiss, oh, sweet kiss,
A touch on the shoulder, firm and trusting,
Fingers with fingers intertwined.

If a smile is a smile
The sweetest greeting there is,
The parting of lips, the merry Hello!
Telling me I am most welcome in your heart.

And a kiss, oh, sweet kiss
The light brush of lips upon cheeks
A familiar weight on my lap
And confidential words whispered gently in my ear.

A touch on the shoulder, firm and trusting
Your hand lingers, caresses, not wanting to
let go, yet unsure, should you hold on...
I lift my hand, put it on yours and look into your deep, brown eyes.

Fingers with fingers intertwined
The sweet beginnigs, gentle words,
Soft touches and, in the end
A kiss, oh, sweet kiss...

2 Komentarji:

At 12:32 dop., Blogger hobit je dejal/a...

It's beautiful.

And feeling,sweet feeling...;-)

At 10:11 dop., Anonymous Anonimni je dejal/a...

If kiss is a kiss
stay for a while
in chamber of heart
Kisses, oh kisses, one by one,
the best are the stollen one


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